Five Ways Your Body will Tell You That You Are Addicted to Sugar

I had absolutely no idea I was addicted to sugar until gave up drinking.  I honestly did not know how much sugar I was consuming by drinking wine every day.  More to the point, I had no idea what I was doing to my body.  Yes, I knew the alcohol was a problem, I knew alcohol was toxic and I knew I had to stop.  But the sugar?  Wow, was I hit with massive cravings.  Never before had I had a sweet tooth.  I would never have thanked you for a slice of cake, I would much rather have a bag of crisps if you don't mind (absolutely not understanding how much sugar is in a bag of crisps!! ('big sigh').

And so my journey began.  I am sooooo grateful that my body told me in 2014, that it was not doing so well.  Had I not found the lump in my breast I may not be here now writing this blog.  If it were not for me being diagnosed with breast cancer, I may still be drinking the wine, smoking and drowning in my stressful job!  I knew I had to...

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