Get Rid of your Sugar Cravings for GOOD

in just six short weeks

without the suffering, stress and anxiety, even if you have no willpower, believe you're addicted to sugar and hate diets!


If you're always reaching for the chocolate, find you're eating the kids sweets or munching your way through packets of biscuits the moment you're on your own, are desperately wanting to be healthy and lose weight while feeling confident, happy and empowered, then you already know that you need to take action to clean up your diet and wipe sugar out of your life.

You already know that sugar is bad for you. You already know that it's responsible for weight gain, that it can affect your mood and cause spots. You may also know that sugar and poor diet is linked to heart disease and some cancers as well as other serious illnesses. The thing is it's not been very easy to stop eating the damn stuff has it? You've probably tried several different diets and figured out that diets don't work - at least not in the long-term! You may have tried to go cold turkey and just stop eating sugary foods BUT those pesky cravings creep in and attack your brain until finally.... you give in! If this is you, then you're in the right place my friend.









My six week live group program designed to rewire your subconscious programs so that you no longer desire sugary foods and instead crave healthy whole nutrient dense foods.


By the end of this program,

you will have…


Learned how sugar is processed by the body and why it is dangerous.


Learned the difference between your conscious and subconscious mind and understand why this is important in controlling the food you eat.


An understanding of your own belief system and how this impacts on your decisions about what to eat.


Learned about your personal relationship with sugar, what your conditioned beliefs are, where they came from; and more importantly, how to change them.


How to hypnotise yourself to get rid of cravings and steer clear of sugar.

"I'm amazed. In just three weeks I've stopped eating sugar and drinking alcohol. Thank you Jacqueline."


Enrol in The Complete Sugar Addict Rescue System

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A One-Time Payment of


saving £20.00


"I have tried giving up sugar many times before, and it's always felt hard to resist the cravings, so eventually I'd give in after a bad day.

But....after hypnosis with Jacqueline, it felt very different....and I haven't eaten any sugar at all.  This is coming from a family-size Cadburys per night gal.  Really! The biggest difference is that if I get a craving, it's really mild and easy to overcome. And I've had some tough days to test me, and I still haven't cracked. If you know it's time to stop eating sugar, you can trust that working with Jacqueline will make it easier than you think"

- Jo Ingram


"For the last five years, I've eaten a Chinese takeaway every Friday at work. I can't believe that now, after working with Jacqueline, I have no desire to eat it and am eating salad instead. It's amazing." Louise.

What’s Inside The Complete Sugar Addict Rescue System 


Pre-course Information
*What is Sugar?
*History of Sugar?
*What is the role of the food industry?
*Dangers of sugar.
*Workbook - preparing for success.
*Confidence Building hypnosis audio.


This pre-course information provides you with the foundations to begin the course, giving you the basic information about sugar, what it is, it's history and the dangers of consuming it, so that you are ready to begin to eliminate it from your life when we start the first module. 

You will also receive a workbook to help you plan meals, clear out sugar from your kitchen and think about where you are now. To help you with this, you will receive a hypnosis audio track designed to help with motivation and confidence building.


Module One

Understanding YOUR relationship with sugar.

This module is dedicated to helping you figure out your relationship with sugar and to clarify the benefits to you of giving up sugar. In this module, you will make a decision, a promise and a commitment to quitting sugar for good.




Module Two

Habits, behaviours and thoughts.

This module will help you to uncover your belief systems, past conditioning, habits and behaviours. You will understand where they came from and why you think the way you do about sugar. 

You will learn about the conflicting stories in your head and how to take control of these. 


Module Three

Physiological vs Psychological

In this module you will learn how sugar affects the brain, including learning what exactly cravings are and where they come from. You will learn how sugar affects your endocrine system and the impact of this on your hormones and weight gain.



Module Four

It's all about the Detox

This module focuses entirely on detoxing from sugar, supporting you to understand what detox is, what to expect and how to cope with symptoms. 

By the end of this module you will feel confident that any detox symptoms you are experiencing are the release of toxins from your body and not something to be alarmed about. You will learn about self-care and how to reduce feelings of withdrawal, ensuring you are packing your body with plenty of essential nutrients.

Module Five

Reprogramming your Mind for Good.

If you have followed this program you will by now have eliminated refined sugars from your diet. Your body will be starting to feel lighter and more energised, your sleep will be improving and your hormones more balanced. This module re-examines your beliefs and takes a deep dive into your inner self so you can be sure of eliminating old negative past conditioning and imprint new positive beliefs.


Module Six

Future Maintenance.

This module is all about the future and keeping up the good work. No, you don't have to be a saint, but you do need to stay in control. This module will show you how to do just that, how to keep using your mind and hypnosis if necessary to keep eating healthy. Most people by now have NO desire to eat sugar but there may be times in the future that you will be tested. This module will teach you how to deal with those times.


Yes Please I'm in for just £175.00 X three payments
Yes please, I want to pay in full for £497.00 saving me £28.00

When you enrol on

The Sugar Addict Rescue System you will get:


An understanding of your relationship with sugar.

Learn how your beliefs impact on your decisions about food and sugar.  Discover how sugar impacts your emotions and why you crave sugary foods at certain times. Figure out WHY you want to stop eating sugar


The Ability to Re-wire your brain.

Get rid of old beliefs and challenge your mindset at a subconscious level so that you automatically make positive food choices.


The Ability to Get Rid of Sugar Cravings Using Hypnosis.

Ah, imagine having total control over your cravings so you either don't feel them or they're so small they're insignificant. This program is going to give you the tools to switch off those pesky cravings.


A Desire to Eat Only Healthy Foods

This course will teach you how to train your mind consciously and subconsciously to respect your body and ONLY want to eat healthy and nutritious foods that will sustain your body and mind.

Value £697.00


Plus These Bonuses to Help You Stay Away from Sugar for the Rest of Your Life! 


Bonus 1

Membership of  Private Facebook Group Sugar Addict Rescue.

Supportive Facebook Community of likeminded individuals. Know that you are not alone on your journey and share your progress and successes.

(Value - £priceless)

What You’ll Get:

Research shows that when we feel supported by our peers we are far more likely to be successful in achieving our goals. You will get lifetime access to our supportive Facebook Group.

  • Lifetime Access
  • Community support
  • Accountability
Bonus 2

Complete Guide to Self-hypnosis.

Step by step guide to help you understand how self-hypnosis works and teach you how to use it on yourself.

(A £150.00 Value)

What You’ll Get:

Step by step PDF guide to understanding self-hypnosis and how to use it on yourself for any issue at all.

  • Learn what self hypnosis is
  • Learn how to hypnotise yourself
  • Learn how to use this to change your own behaviours and habits

Here’s what you’re getting when you enrol today:

The Complete Sugar Addict Rescue System includes pre-course information, six weekly modules, seven hypnosis recordings, six live hypnosis sessions, seven individual workbooks, one group meditation - value £697.

  • Bonus 1 - £297 Value
  • Bonus 2 - £150.00 Value

Total Bonus Value: £447

When you add it all up, that’s a value of £1144

But when you enrol today, you’ll get access to everything for just: £497


3 Payments of




A One-Time Payment of


saving £20.00


Plus, You'll Be Backed By A Risk-Free 7 Day Money Back Guarantee


Let me say this upfront.

The Complete Sugar Addict Rescue System is THE most comprehensive online step by step program for individuals who are committed and motivated to making positive changes and get rid of sugar from their diet for good.

Once you join this program you will have lifetime access to a super supportive community and a range of digital products including hypnosis audio tracks designed to kick your cravings for good.

Here's the thing though, after 7 days you will have received the pre-course information materials, the full course road map and the first full module as well as two hypnosis audios. If you don't feel fully confident and motivated that you want to get healthy and kick sugar for good, then simply reach out and show us you've completed the work and we'll refund your investment. Please note NO REFUNDS can be given after 7 days.

Frequently Asked Questions

Questions students have asked before enrolling in The Complete Sugar Addict Rescue System.

Enrol in The Complete Sugar Addict Rescue System Today

3 Monthly Payments of




A One-Time Payment of


saving £20.00


Still thinking about it?


The Complete Sugar Addict Rescue System is perfect for you if....

  • You're a slave to your emotions - you eat whether you're happy or sad.
  • You're tired all the time - you simply have no energy.
  • Your moods are up and down.
  • You get angry or irritable when you can't have your favourite snack.
  • You're overweight and you've tried every diet it the book but always end up putting it back on and then some more.
  • You've tried to go cold turkey but those cravings are just too strong so you give in every time.
  • You eat when you're bored, for no reason.
  • You're worried you will develop a serious illness (or have been diagnosed) if you don't control your sugar intake.
  • You suffer withdrawals when you do stop eating sugar.
  • You want to stop thinking about sugar and get your life back.

I can’t wait for you to join Sugar Addict Rescue System

Before I was diagnosed with breast cancer in 2014, I had no idea just how dangerous refined sugar is to the body. Yes, I knew too much was not really a good thing, but I never really understood why. I have spent the last seven years researching sugar and learning how to keep my body and mind healthy and disease free. What I have learned has changed my life for the better. And now I want to share this with you so that you too can be free of refined sugars, healthy and strong.

This course is for women who have struggled to give up sugar and processed foods, who are frustrated with the diets and fads, who are worried about the impact sugar is having on their health and who may have been diagnosed with or are worried about contracting a serious illness like diabetes. If this is you, then you are in the right place my friend.

Once you sign up, you have lifetime access. You've got nothing to lose and everything to gain. What are you waiting for? Enrol now, before it's too late.

Warm wishes

Jacqueline xx

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